PIPE Secure File Sharing

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High Security Two-Way File Sharing for Compliance and Cost-Efficiency

Share and synchronize data over a secure PIPE with clients, partners and co-workers back and forth without risking data leaks or non-compliance. PIPE, based on ShieldShare technology, is designed to enable highly secure and convenient two-way file-sharing over the Internet within an organization and with external parties. PIPE is a plug-and-play compliance solution that enforces the strictest requirements of encryption and authentication for data access – and it makes it easy. PIPE includes digital signatures (x.509) that can be used to legally sign documents saving time and ensuring compliance.

point2point file sharing over secure USB drives

File sharing is more convenient than email and FTP but up until now it has been a great security threat. Consumer file sharing should be called file spreading as there are no real access controls and only a false sense of security. PIPE secure file sharing is enabled from one verified user’s SafeConsoleReady hardware-encrypted secure USB to one or many other verified users managed devices, for optimal file sharing that is truly secure. The solution with the SafeConsoleReady Device and the PIPE software client offers Point2Point file sharing where each recipient and contributor is clearly identified and two-factor authenticated. PIPE is a zero-footprint portable solution and it enforces encryption of all data at rest and transit and enables two-way communication.

Easy deployment & central management

BlockMaster’s central management server software SafeConsole makes setup and file-sharing for PIPE quick and secure and enforces a full audit trail for compliance. The secure PIPE software client is deployed onto the managed SafeConsoleReady Devices over any network. Enrollment of access points and verified users to the PIPE is self-serviced and follows established security concepts such as separation of duties.

Saving time & money

With the use of PIPE, expensive infrastructure or cumbersome workflows can be replaced or avoided. Expensive infrastructure like VPN, encrypted email, full disk encryption and two-factor tokens can be replaced. Many users are still locked down to burning DVDs or CDs with encrypted data and the use of postal services. The cost of PIPE is lower, the security and convenience is higher and it is two-way communication. All PIPE data is automatically encrypted at rest and in transit, and access is granted with hardware two-factor authentication --- all together avoiding time-wasting and money-draining solutions and policy changes.

Learn more in our short datasheet »