Customer Testimonials

Who uses SafeStick encrypted flash drives?

SafeStick is used by top businesses and governments worldwide.

Global enterprises and one-man shops are both served well by SafeStick encrypted flash drives.

Organisations with different approaches towards security use SafeStick. Since SafeStick encrypted flash drives is easy and convenient for the user and organisation it is not only for military and highest-level security organisations.

Customer Success Stories

  • With SafeStick I now feel confident to carry my sensitive data on a flash drive. It is a much more user friendly device than a standard USB with encryption. ”
    Onsite PC
  • We wanted a solution that would help reduce the number of service desk calls we get regarding issues with data storage.”
    Aintree NHS Trust
  • I wear SafeStick around my neck like a charm because SafeStick works like one. It's a great product.
    Gary Ley
  • SafeStick is important because we handle a lot of extremely sensitive documents - if this information came in the wrong hands it could prove disastrous. ”
  • SafeStick comes in handy for keeping track of data.”
    TWC Dallas
  • SafeStick is well made and functions very well.”
    IntraGlobe Inc.
  • I like SafeStick a lot and, being a security consultant, will recommend it to our customers as a means of safe portable storage.”
  • SafeStick is important to allow backup of sensitive data.
    Community College of Vermont
  • Working as a technical officer in the life science laboratory means varying our procurement and follow-ups of lab equipment, reagents and
    consumables. Some of these tasks need to be confidential according to the nature of our organization. SafeStick allows us to satisfy all these requirements.
    Singapore Polytechnic
  • We were impressed with SafeStick because of the level of security it offers, as well as its ease of use and value.”
  • SafeStick is important for our organization because the security of our data is vital.”
    East Riding of Yorkshire Council
  • The security of personal and sensitive data is of the utmost importance. That is why we use SafeStick.”
    Arvato Government Services
  • We handle over 100 companies’ IT environments and consequently handle critical information for all these environments. Working both in-house and at the customer site necessitates transporting sensitive information. With SafeStick information can be transported in an easy and safe manner.
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