Are you interested in becoming a partner?
BlockMaster is expanding its partner network rapidly. Please contact [email protected].
BlockMaster establish strong partnerships with leading resellers and distributors within information security to benefit our customers.
World-wide Distribution
You will find that our partners have great in-depth knowledge of our solutions and also share the BlockMaster quality philosophy.
Our partners can assist you in evaluating our solutions and provide you with up to date pricing.
Distributor Partner List
Resellers can be contacted through our distributor partners. If you want to become a reseller we recommend direct contact with the distributor.
Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg - Crypsys
Denmark - IT2Trust
Finland - Locotech
France and other French-speaking regions - PG Software Europe
Italy, Vatican State, San Marino, Malta - Ultimobyte
Germany, Schweiz, Austria and other German-speaking regions - Prosoft
Germany, Schweiz, Austria and other German-speaking regions - Optimal
Poland(Polska), Czech Republic(ÄŒesko), Ukraine(Ukrajina) - MWT Solutions
Spain, Portugal, Andorra, Angola, Argentina, Brazil , Peru, Mexico - Ireo
Sweden, Iceland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia - Inuit
UK and Ireland - Softek
Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, East-Timor, Melanisia - Pacen
Other countries
If your are in a country not represented by one of our present partners you are welcome to contact BlockMaster directly at [email protected]. We will tend to your needs and provide you with products.