SafeStick SuperSonic – still the fastest secure USB drive in the world!
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it’s SafeStick SuperSonic, jetting ahead of all competitors!
At the August 2009 release of SafeStick SuperSonic, world record speeds were measured in independent labs. Ever since, BlockMaster has been committed to maintain the number one speed position.
Pushing Speed To The Absolute Limits
Just as the standard edition of SafeStick, the SuperSonic edition only takes between three and 15 seconds to load, in comparison of competitive devices, some of which take up to a minute to load every time they are plugged in. SafeStick SuperSonic revs up to 23Mbyte/s for write and 33Mbyte/s for read, providing lightning speed transfers of files.
Achieving the highest USB speed transfers is truly a technological arms race. The name SuperSonic marks a new step in the development, as it’s pushing the possibilities of USB 2.0 to the absolute limits.
When Fast Isn’t Fast Enough
Alright, so SafeStick SuperSonic is the superfastest there is. We’ve got that down. The next question might be, why would you need one? Isn’t fast fast enough? Well it could be, depending on your needs. But if you’re serious about making your secure USB drive a true asset for your organization, here’s where you should put in a little extra. You might, for example, be planning on stocking up on applications on your drives (and you should be – it makes them the perfect productivity tools), you will realize that the extra speed of SafeStick SuperSonic is well worthwhile. Take a SafeConsoleReady Application like Ceedo, that provides a low-cost laptop alternative that allows any Windows PC to be used securely as a virtual desktop. With the investment of SafeStick SuperSonic it will let the end-users work seamlessly from everywhere, at anytime! And that’s just the example of ONE application – imagine an entire heap of little helpers like that, and the time and money it could save. A great amount of USB speed transfer will of course be required, but with SafeStick SuperSonic you’ll never have to worry about having enough horsepower.
How The Magic Happens
It’s actually no surprise that SafeStick SuperSonic manages to hold up the speed it does, when you look into the components. Yes, of course it has to do with the power of the flash. But it’s also due to the fact that BlockMaster develops the fastest software for secure USB drives there is, which actually makes all the SafeConsoleReady Devices almost as fast! But alas, there can only be one winner, one holder of the golden trophy. We’re really proud of all our speedsters, though.
BlockMaster Driver Ola Nilsson Excels
This last weekend proved that it’s not just the SafeStick SuperSonic drive that’s the fastest, it’s also our very own driver! BlockMaster’s Ola Nilsson beat some impressive competition (including Formula 1 stars Johnny Herbert and Mark Blundell) in the Scirocco R-Cup. Way to represent, Ola!
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