Report: USB Security no PICNIC, calls for more capable management
According to a recent research paper and survey conducted by the Ponemon Institute, a big part of the reason corporations across the board are at such great risk with the use of USB flash drives, boils down to good, old fashioned employee negligence.
Password Policy Sure Beats a Padlock
Back in May, the FCC released its top 10 cybersecurity tips for businesses. The list was informative and fairly spot-on – if not quite boiled down to its simplest form. When reduced to its most basic elements, the 545-word list could very well have been summed up in just two:
Curiosity is the real killer, and puts your data at major risk
What we should really learn from recent USB ‘drive-by dropping’ episodes is that people with piqued curiosities – even good, honest, tax-paying folks – will not hesitate to commandeer, inspect and thereby compromise the security of your confidential data if it can be easily accessed via a USB flash drive…
Governments Lack In Protecting Portable Citizen Information
The hot topic during the government funded Privacy Awareness Week in Australia was portable storage devices. The Privacy Commissioner issued a
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