If you don’t pay to protect your data now, that’s OK; you can just pay $5 billion, later…
All of you in the know understand what we do here, and why SafeConsole, our comprehensive USB management application, is such an integral system for any organization that grasps the value of ensuring the protection and safety of all of the USB devices (and all the data) within a network.
Is SafeConsole the ‘Noah’s Ark’ of USB management and security?
Not to get overly Biblical on you, but – as someone leading a company on the forefront of USB management and security – I keep thinking of that story we all learned growing up about Noah and the ark. Noah keeps telling folks, “Hey, I’m serious, guys, it’s really going to start raining soon
Report: USB security/management is, shockingly, an afterthought
A major research paper regarding the current status of USB flash drive security and management was released this month, and its publication has caused a major disruption…to say the least.
Curiosity is the real killer, and puts your data at major risk
What we should really learn from recent USB ‘drive-by dropping’ episodes is that people with piqued curiosities – even good, honest, tax-paying folks – will not hesitate to commandeer, inspect and thereby compromise the security of your confidential data if it can be easily accessed via a USB flash drive…
Catastrophic 40 million dollar USB drive data breach in Canada
The Durham region in Canada is being sued for 40 million dollars for data lost on an unencrypted USB flash drive. The lost unsecure USB
Honest User Mistake and Unsecure USB Drive Prompt Action from Authorities
According to a media report, East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust had violated the Data Protection Act after a doctor lost an unencrypted USB drive containing patient data on a train. Although the doctor informed the Trust soon after discovering the loss, the drive could not be recovered.
Teacher Loses 100.000 Students Personal Information on USB
News report of the loss of a USB drive containing personal information of over 100,000 adult education students. Misplaced by a Virginia Tech researcher, the drive contained names, birth dates and social security numbers of students who used literacy and adult education programs and those who earned a high school equivalency certificate.
Unsecure USB Drive Expose Military Records
Another incident can be added to the list of sensitive records lost on unsecure USB storage devices. In this case an old MP3-player was sold in the US, and apparently it had been used to store classified information in Afghanistan.
Lack of Password Management Exposes 6000 Prisoners Details
In January 2009, it was reported that personal medical records of over 6000 prisoners and ex-inmates of Her Majesty’s Prison Preston, Lancashire, were exposed with the loss of a USB drive.
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